

~ by grant on October 9, 2008.

10 Responses to “annnnnnnd…..”

  1. how was it? just toss out a few words…

  2. I’ve been sitting on pins and needles….details, please! or a phone call!

  3. passed.

    keep mouth shut when unsure.

    journal article?


  4. Yey! More jazz hands!

  5. woo hoo!

  6. =)

  7. That’s the minimalist’s list of details!
    Congratulations – we knew you would do brilliantly!
    Back to breathing normally for a while.

  8. You are being humble again… Don’t make me embarrass you by telling your family how awesome it was. Grant is one smart cookie:)

  9. I wouldn’t mind know what really happened.

  10. wow kyle. learn to type proper sentences. my apologies.

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